Strong Performance for Rights Holders

Art comes from ability. For 20 years, pentaship has been managing fundraising and sponsorship processes for cultural institutions, events, education and science, political parties, sporting events and foundations. It's all about making a mark: Trademarks.

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With Certainty
to Success

Every sponsor needs a certain security for an investment. He expects a brand fit and/or an image transfer from the rights holder. However, his financial commitment is also an opportunity for cultural workers, institutions, athletes or foundations to develop further, to implement ideas and to be successful.
Music concert

Go-to-Market Strategies

Companies evaluate their sponsorship commitments based on clear criteria. It is therefore important to work out the profile of the rights holder, to define relevant target groups, to specify the dimensions of the image and to communicate the added value. The essence is a USP that is convincing and ensures consistent partnerships.
Connected persons

Sponsor Loyalty

Trust is good, control is better. A convincing offer for sponsors includes a consistent concept with an innovative benefit portfolio. In this way, partnerships are built on a reliable basis. A congruence of goals stabilizes a lasting partnership for both sides, anchoring in the market and ensuring success.
Three arrows forward

Added Value

Only those who are aware of their own values can develop marketable structures that are popular with potential sponsoring partners. How you stand out from the crowd, present yourself and defend your position is crucial. Funding is important to advance and establish projects so that they gain in importance. What makes your event or institution valuable?

Perfect profile:
Fit for a date?

pentaship finds investors and develops customized sponsorship strategies that bring together projects in art and culture, education and science, sports or the environment with the right partners from industry and business. This also applies to sponsorship programs. This creates a win-win situation.
Bavarian Book Prize


Consulting & Positioning

After the profile has been sharpened with the stakeholders, marketable values are developed, the range of services is defined, and monetary valuation (pricing) takes place. These criteria are used to determine the role of the licensor as a sponsoring partner.

Which companies, industries and brands are suitable for cooperation? What are the intended market goals? This is followed by clear positioning for differentiated sponsorship offers.

  • Definition of Profile and Performance
  • Target Market Analysis
  • Competitor Research
  • Clear Positioning (USP)
  • Partnership Program


Concept & Strategy

Several parameters provide the basis for successful marketing. This includes the presentation of content and image, target group structure and public impact, appearance and canon of values.

The next step is a target market analysis, the establishment of a sponsor structure and proof of existing media contacts. The concept must be well-founded and promising at the same time.

  • Development of a Sponsorship Concept
  • Development of Go-to-Market Strategy
  • Communication of Marketable Values
  • Presentation of Media Effectiveness
  • Networking


Acquisition & Mediation

Once a sponsoring partner has been found after the presentation, it is crucial to safeguard the interests of the rights holders and define the image dimensions that a cooperation can influence.

Contract negotiations are conducted in close coordination, financing plans are made, rights and obligations are clarified and marketing goals are formulated. The funding makes it possible to increase the quality of the offer. Both partners benefit from this.

  • Drafting of Contracts
  • Financing Plan
  • Naming Rights/Product Placement
  • Barter Deals
  • Increase in Quality


Contracts & Management

Together with the sponsor(s), the framework conditions for the cooperation are worked out and the price-performance structure is defined. This results in the contract that secures the cooperation.

pentaship coordinates the implementation of the contractually agreed services, benefits and considerations: from logo placement and media activation to special sponsor features.

  • Services and Consideration
  • Contract Drafting and Conclusion
  • Implementation of the Negotiated Points
  • Situation Management
  • Hospitality Management


Yield & added value

The processing and analysis of the cooperation provides both rights holder and sponsor with reliable feedback. Have services and consideration been implemented in accordance with the contract? Was there an image gain?

Does the cooperation open up better market opportunities for the future? Reporting is also the basis for sustainable cooperation.

  • Sponsorship Rating
  • Opinion Polls and Surveys
  • Proof of Interactions
  • Control of Media Response
  • Opportunities for Advancement
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